Tips for Families
Here are some ways you can support your child/youth’s learning in partnership with the RE program at South Valley:
Share your beliefs with your child.
RE is only one hour a week, which means you are your child’s primary religious educator. Let your child know your religious beliefs. If you are still figuring them out, that’s okay too. Share your “used to thinks” about God, prayer, heaven, etc., and what your ideas are now. Let your child know why you chose this church and what it means to you. Talk about how you act on your beliefs about fairness, tolerance, caring for the earth, etc. and provide your child with opportunities to act on his or her beliefs too.
Find out what they are doing.
Ask your child about what goes on in their class or what they like about coming to church. You are encouraged to visit their classroom to see evidence of what happens there. Check in with the teachers on a regular basis to learn about your child’s experiences in RE. Volunteer to help in the classroom once in a while, or offer transportation for special activities. Attend social events, such as family potluck dinners.
Encourage regular attendance.
While we understand that perfect attendance for every child may not be possible, we hope that you will make a sincere effort to bring your child to church as often as possible. Many units of study last several weeks and your child will gain much more from the class if he or she attends regularly.