Resources on Climate Change

Climate Reality Project: Info on Energy Tax Credits for Households:
IRA-Tax-Credits-Households.pdf (
Join the Environmental Ministry Mailing List
Based at First Unitarian Church of SLC, Environmental Ministry shares info about environmental justice and climate change presentations and actions. Send your name & email address to: [email protected] to be added to the Environmental Ministry mailing list.
Personal Actions You Can Take Now
- Educate kids using the Unitarian Universalist Association’s free, six-session curriculum for Grades 5 and 6 with suggestions for service projects. Click here.
- Low Carbon Diet Program: A 30 Day Program to Lose 5000 Pounds
- Household Energy Action Items Checklist [PDF]
- Simple actions you can take today to begin reducing your climate impact. Learn more.
- Fight climate change. Water your trees. One part of Salt Lake City’s climate action projects is to increase the number of trees in the city, especially the west side where there are too few, and to be sure that established trees get sufficient water during this drought. Here is a link to the city’s watering advice.
City and County Resources
- Climate Positive 2040 Joint Resolution
- Salt Lake County Sustainability Policies
Utah Resources
- Beyond Coal Campaign, Sierra Club, Utah Chapter
- Utah Clean Energy
National and International Resources
- Citizens’ Climate Lobby
- Faith Principles for a New Green Deal
- Unitarian Universalist Association 2006 Statement of Conscience
- Unitarian Universalist Association Green Sanctuary Program
- Unitarian Universalist Ministry for Earth
- U.S. House of Representatives Green New Deal Resolution (February 7, 2019)