Come along and get into the mess with us as we work out our collective salvation-liberation-healing.
Spiritual Hospitality: the art of listening
Henry Nouwen has written that “Listening is a form of spiritual hospitality by which you invite strangers to become friends” In my previous work as a chaplain, I spent much of my time learning to listen. A metaphor that helped me to grow in my skillfulness for listening, was to imagine that we are a […]
Expressing our solidarity with Congregation Beth Israel
UUA Responds to Events at Congregation Beth IsraelJanuary 19, 2022 The Unitarian Universalist faith calls us to respond to the horrific and profoundly disturbing hostage situation that took place earlier this week at the Congregation Beth Israel in Colleyville, Texas. We send our love, prayers, and care to all those violated by the events at […]
Adaptability is the new normal
This week has been heavy with new information for us to process and adapt to. And while we may all know intellectually that adaptation and adjustment are required aspects of adulthood, the arrival of said requirements can often feel like a task we’d really rather not participate in- especially after 22 months of enduring a […]